
Dataset Metadata

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Dataset Code EMS_P_08
Organization Department of Atmospheric Environment
Data Categories Pollution Prevention
Environmental Protection Project Categories Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Resource Survey and Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goals Good Health and Well-being
Main field facilityid、facilityname、reportperiod、vocs、unitsofvocs、tsp、unitsoftsp、sox、unitsofsox、nox、unitsofnox、status、toluene、unitsoftoluene、xylene、unitsofxylene、benzene、unitsofbenzene、ethylbenzene、unitsofethylbenzene、styrene、unitsofstyrene、methylenechloride、unitsofmethylenechloride、dichloroethane_11、unitsof11dichloroethane、dichloroethane_12、unitsof12dichloroethane、chloroform、unitsofchloroform、trichloroethane_111、unitsof111trichloroethane、carbontetrachloride、unitsofcarbontetrachloride、trichloroethylene、unitsoftrichloroethylene、tetrachloroethylene、unitsoftetrachloroethylene、vinylchloride、unitsofvinylchloride、butadiene_13、unitsof13butadiene、acrylonitrile、unitsofacrylonitrile、heavymetal、unitsofheavymetal、dioxin、unitsofdioxin
Dataset provided by Stationary Source Air Pollution Control Fees and Emissions Reporting Integrated Management System
Authorization Method Open Government Data License
Authorization Description Link https://data.gov.tw/license
Encoding Scheme UTF-8
Update Frequency Quarterly
Contact Name Ms. Huang
Contact Phone Number (02)2311-7722#6206
Contact Email meiwen.liao@moenv.gov.tw
Tags Air pollutant emissions declaration of stationary pollution sources

Data Field Description

Column Type
facilityid text
facilityname text
reportperiod text
vocs text
unitsofvocs text

Data Preview

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Condition 1
  • facilityid
  • facilityname
  • reportperiod
  • vocs
  • unitsofvocs
  • tsp
  • unitsoftsp
  • sox
  • unitsofsox
  • nox
  • unitsofnox
  • status
  • toluene
  • unitsoftoluene
  • xylene
  • unitsofxylene
  • benzene
  • unitsofbenzene
  • ethylbenzene
  • unitsofethylbenzene
  • styrene
  • unitsofstyrene
  • methylenechloride
  • unitsofmethylenechloride
  • dichloroethane_11
  • unitsof11dichloroethane
  • dichloroethane_12
  • unitsof12dichloroethane
  • chloroform
  • unitsofchloroform
  • trichloroethane_111
  • unitsof111trichloroethane
  • carbontetrachloride
  • unitsofcarbontetrachloride
  • trichloroethylene
  • unitsoftrichloroethylene
  • tetrachloroethylene
  • unitsoftetrachloroethylene
  • vinylchloride
  • unitsofvinylchloride
  • butadiene_13
  • unitsof13butadiene
  • acrylonitrile
  • unitsofacrylonitrile
  • heavymetal
  • unitsofheavymetal
  • dioxin
  • unitsofdioxin
No Data
0 result(s)

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Dataset Name Download Type
Air pollutant emissions declaration of stationary pollution sources

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