
Dataset Metadata

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Dataset Code WR_P_199
Organization Resource Circulation Administration
Data Categories Others
Environmental Protection Project Categories Environmental Resource Survey and Monitoring, Resource Recycling
Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Cities and Communities
Main field year、thenameoftheproblem、total
Authorization Method Open Government Data License
Authorization Description Link https://data.gov.tw/license
Encoding Scheme UTF-8
Update Frequency Annually
Contact Name Mr. Chuang
Contact Phone Number (02)2370-5888#3108
Contact Email fkchuang@moenv.gov.tw
Tags Resource Recycling

Data Field Description

Column Type
year text
thenameoftheproblem text
total text

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Condition 1
  • year
  • thenameoftheproblem
  • total
No Data
0 result(s)

Historical Data Download  ※If the csv file shows garbled text, please refer to the Q&A page.

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Dataset Name Download Type
0800 Toll Free Number-Statistics of General Inquiry into Waste Electronics and Electric Appliances

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