
Dataset Metadata

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Dataset Code STAT_P_101
Organization Department of Monitoring and Information
Data Categories Others
Environmental Protection Project Categories Environmental Resource Survey and Monitoring
Main field orgid、edocname、year、month、data01、data02、data03、data04、data05
Authorization Method Open Government Data License
Authorization Description Link https://data.gov.tw/license
Encoding Scheme UTF-8
Update Frequency Irregularly
Contact Name Mr. Huang
Contact Phone Number (02)2311-7722#2346
Contact Email bojhen.huang@moenv.gov.tw

Data Field Description

Column Type
orgid text
edocname text
year text
month text
data01 text

Data Preview

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Condition 1
  • orgid
  • edocname
  • year
  • month
  • data01
  • data02
  • data03
  • data04
  • data05
No Data
0 result(s)

Historical Data Download  ※If the csv file shows garbled text, please refer to the Q&A page.

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Dataset Name Download Type
Official Document Online Approval Ratio Table

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