
Dataset Metadata

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Dataset Code EMS_S_08
Organization Environmental Management Administration
Data Categories Pollution Prevention
Environmental Protection Project Categories Environmental Resource Survey and Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goals Decent Work and Economic Growth, Clean Water and Sanitation, Life on Land
Main field annono、annodate、annotitle、annocontent、siteid、county、issoil、isgw
Dataset provided by Soil and Groundwater Management Information Systems
Authorization Method Open Government Data License
Authorization Description Link https://data.gov.tw/license
Encoding Scheme UTF-8
Update Frequency Monthly
Contact Name Ms. Lu
Contact Phone Number 02-2383-2389#59704
Contact Email yungching.lu@moenv.gov.tw
Tags Soil Groundwater Site on regulatory listing

Data Field Description

Column Type
annono text
annodate text
annotitle text
annocontent text
siteid text

Data Preview

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Condition 1
  • annono
  • annodate
  • annotitle
  • annocontent
  • siteid
  • county
  • issoil
  • isgw
No Data
0 result(s)

Historical Data Download  ※If the csv file shows garbled text, please refer to the Q&A page.

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Dataset Name Download Type
Information on announced soil and groundwater pollution control area
Information on announced soil and groundwater pollution control area (原ERDB資料)

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